Off to Austin

Tom Opgenorth
Well, in a scant few hours I'll be off to Austin, Texas, for KaizenConf. It will be a fun packed couple of day dealing with some very interesting topics. In all honestly, I don't exactly know which of the topics I want to attend - the pretty much all are of interest to me. Makes me wish I could clone myself. My plane lands early afternoon, so if you're kicking around Austin and want to entertain an easily amused Canuck, give me a holler (comments here, or on twitter).

ALT.NET Session #6: Maintaining A Framework

Tom Opgenorth
Jeremy Miller talking about the trials and tribulations of keeping a codebase viable and useful over the past four years.  A lot of tips and explanations were backed with diagrams on the whiteboard.  Kind of hard to blog that stuff, so this will probably be just a collection of bullets. Lessons learned - a lot of them relate back to what are considered good, OO practices: DRY, especially with the very small things.

ALT.NET Session #4: Sprocs Good Or Evil / NHibernate with Cartoon Bears

Tom Opgenorth
Two topics merged into one.  Rod Paddock wants to talk about stored procs, and others want to learn how to explain NHibernate to other people who aren't familiar with it (and minimize the jargon). Rod uses a custom code-gen solution based heavily on sprocs - a data driven approach.  Sounds like it works well for him.  Oren concurs that this technique could be very effective in certain circumstances.  It will have problems with complex situations that deal with convoluted/difficult data scenarios.

ALT.NET Session #5: Mono – Not Just For Linux

Tom Opgenorth
Joe starts polling to see what people want to talk about.  Most seem to be interest the libraries for Mono (being that they also work on Windows/.NET.  So, Joe starts talking about libraries for/from Mono. Mono.Cecil.  For all your reflecting and assembly modification needs. Mono.Addins.  I've been looking at this off and on today, and I have to admit it looks pretty intriguing Mono.Rocks:  Handy extension methods. Mono.